Main Screen PC Status Bar   1) PC Portrait 2) (COMBAT ONLY) GREEN - The PC has yet to move that round. RED - The PC is not in the battle. GREY - PC has already moved that round. 3) PC's Name. 4) Stamina / Maximum Stamina 5) Special Info, varies by character class. 6) PC's Armor Class Action Buttons   1) Toggle between camp and adventure mode. 2) Go to items screen. 3) Cast a spell. 4) Displays current spells affecting the party. 5) Toggle between search mode and standard mode. 6) Use a scroll from the PC's scroll case. 7) Trade items between PCs. 8) Exchange money between PCs, shops & temples. 9) Rest (while button is down). 10) Create scrolls. 11) Shows status of light source. (Click on unlit torch to light new torch if someone has one.) 12) Click: Shows items carried by current PC. ⇧ Indicates item is equipped. 13) Click: Shows conditions affecting current PC. ⌥ Indicates permanent condition. ◊ Indicates temporary condition. NOTE: For number 12 & 13 above you may hold down the command (⌘) key to display the items or conditions of ALL the PCs in the party. 15) Heal party (while button is down). All PCs capable of casting healing spells will begin casting healing spells on all those injured. In addition, you will see several other buttons. Here is a list of what they do: Special Action Buttons   Allows the party to SEARCH the immediate area.   Enter a temple.   Enter a shop. Resting Displayed below the character information on the main screen is a small bar with an X, Y and the word 'Fatigue' printed on it. This shows the current X and Y position of the party and their current level of fatigue. Note that as the party moves around, a bar will grow next to the word Fatigue. When it reaches the end, that signifies that the party is too tired to continue. The party must rest before moving any further.   Movement Moving around is easy. Just place the cursor in the direction you want to go. When you click on the screen the party will move in the direction of the red arrow. You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard and the number pad. The '7', '9', '1' and '3' keys on the keypad allow diagonal movement. Terrain Different types of terrain take longer to travel over than others. Roadways and open fields are the easiest to traverse while tunnels, rocky, muddy or shorelines take more. If you are in an area that is frequented by wantering bands of monsters you are more likley to encounter them while moving in areas of slow progress because you are in an area longer. So to minimise you chance for unwanted encounters try to stay in the clear. The idea of rougher terrain taking longer to cross also holds true during combat. Open areas take 1 movement point to cross while obsticles, muddy or rocky areas take more movement points. Some objects such as trees or stalagmites are solid barriers to small creatures while larger creatures are able to step over or through these objects. Special Note On Random Encoutners Search Mode, (No. 5 above) increases the chance of finding a secret area but there is also a downside. Seaching takes MUCH more time to traverse the same distance and therefore will increase your chance of encountering wandering monsters. If your sure you don't expect to find any secret areas and don't want any more grief than neccessary from battles then turn search mode off. The spells 'Detect Secret' also increase your chance of finding secret areas but DOES NOT increase the time spent or chance of encounters.